Kristi spent 10 years in the police force as a Specialist Child Interviewer and a Detective Senior Constable.

When she retired from the force, Kristi believed there was a better way to help children and families.

By taking a proactive approach, rather than a reactive approach of 'locking up' the bad guy after it was done, she could help prevent child abuse and break the cycle of trauma that victims are so often subjected to.

In addition to her experience in the force, Kristi has appeared on TV as a Child Safety Expert and was an Online Safety Specialist.

During this role, she presented to schools’ students from years 3-12 about staying safe online and has also presented to many parents and teachers during this time.

More than just a presenter, Kristi is a facilitator - driving the message and bringing experts together. She is passionate about keeping kids safe and isn’t afraid to keep it real with the adults (prepare for some swearing from Kristi!).

At home, her family includes her teen daughter, a very supportive husband and her emotional support daschund, Duke. She is passionate about youth mental health and has mentored on youth camps.

The decade Kristi spent talking to kids about what had happened to them, during her role as a specialist child interviewer and investigator, was so hard that Kristi had to walk away from the front line duties.

What Kristi couldn’t walk away from was the pain she knew so many kids were suffering, and that she wanted to do everything in her power to prevent this pain from happening more. 

This is why CAPE-AU was founded. To provide an educational service for parents, caregivers and guardians around child sexual abuse protection and prevention. 


Integrity is at the heart of Kristi's work as a Child Safety Expert. She believes in doing what is right, even when no one is watching, and this unwavering commitment guides every decision and action she takes. Integrity ensures that Kristi approaches sensitive topics with honesty, fairness, and respect, building trust with the families, educators, and communities she supports. 

Authenticity is essential in Kristi’s mission to educate and protect children. She brings her true self to every conversation, openly sharing her experiences and insights from over 14 years of frontline work as a child abuse detective. Kristi’s genuine approach helps break down barriers, creating a space where families feel comfortable, connected, and empowered to engage in meaningful discussions about child safety. 

Communication is a foundation of Kristi's work. She believes that knowledge is power, and that power is amplified when information is shared clearly and compassionately. Kristi specialises in making complex safety topics accessible and easily actionable for parents, caregivers, and educators. By fostering open communication, Kristi empowers families with the tools they need to protect their children, creating a safer environment for everyone involved.

Your friendly neighbourhood ex police officer


It's hard to describe my 'why' without sharing the motivation for my mission. 

During my time in the police as a detective and specialist child interviewer, interviewing and talking to children and victim survivors, hearing their stories of abuse and trauma, I saw and felt the true impact of child sexual abuse and exploitation. 

The pure devastation, the feelings of helplessness, the torture of not knowing earlier, not stopping the abuser sooner, not having someone safe to talk to, tore most of their lives apart. 

Children are so resilient but child sexual abuse leaves a devastating and lifelong impact on it's victim's. 

When I retired from the police, I couldn't walk away. I couldn't forget what I had witnessed and heard and I couldn't stand by and do nothing, especially when I know that we CAN do something about child sexual abuse. 

So I started writing a book... 

Well actually it started as ideas and some random word documents, but over time turned into a book for parents. 

Operation KidSafe - a detective's guide to child abuse prevention was born from my need to share everything I knew with parents. 

It's truly a labour of love and shared with the utmost respect to all of the families and victim's I had the privilege of serving, whilst I was in the police. 

I soon realised once the book was complete, that the book on it's own was not enough and so my journey of advocacy and prevention education began and for now, the rest of the story is still being written. 

I continue to share my experiences, my thoughts and my knowledge with parents, caregivers, professionals and anyone who will listen through my social media, keynote presentations, events, webinars and podcast. 

My 'why' is more simple than I realised... I want to help you prevent your CHILD (or a child close to you) from ever having to sit across a table from a detective like me, telling them the worst things that ever happened to them. 

I want to help YOU prevent them from being abused. 




 Stay up to date by following Kristi on social media, where she shares valuable tips, resources, and insights on child safety. Click on the links below to follow Kristi and join the fight against child sexual abuse.

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