Episode 18 Cyberbullying solutions and prevention with Maggie Ciobanu from YooChooz

Season #1

Episode 18 Cyberbullying solutions and prevention with Maggie Ciobanu from YooChooz

In this episode, Kristi speaks with mother Maggie Ciobanu who turned her own daughters cyberbullying into an app to help prevent kids from sending abusive message and make better choices before they engage in cyberbullying. 

Maggie explains her own daughters and family's experiences that led her to try and help other kids from becoming a statistic and victim of abuse online through the app YooChooz. 

Check out the Yoochooz app via the Apple store or via their website www.yoochooz.com.au 

You can also follow Maggie and YooChooz via Instagram at www.instagram.com/yoochooz/ 

For any further enquiries about this podcast episode, contact via our website at www.cape-au.com

Also check out our Device Safety 101 self-paced online course for more in-depth advice and help around keeping kids safe at www.cape-au.com/device-safety101