5 things to consider and ask when choosing child care adults advice babies behaviours body safety body safety education child abuse child abuse prevention child protection child safety childcare children conversations with kids keeping kids safe parent resources parenting parents policies toddlers Oct 30, 2024

I remember when I was returning to work after my daughter was born and the emotional roller coaster I went through in finding an early childhood centre. I had so much mum-guilt in needing to put her into childcare that I cried for days.

At that stage, I was not even a police officer, I was just nee...

Safety tips for Blended Families adults body safety child abuse child abuse prevention child protection child safety co-parenting healthy relationships kids parent resources parenting parents teens Aug 03, 2024

I grew up in a blended family. My parents separated when I was a young child and I grew up with step-parents.

With that being said, there was a lot less blended families when I was growing up than there is now. Blended families are a much more normal family structure than when I was younger and the...

A child needs to feel SAFE to disclose abuse adults advice body safety books child abuse child abuse prevention child protection child safety parent resources parenting parents safe adults safe behaviours Jul 30, 2024

A child that does NOT feel safe will not disclose abuse.

At times I think we forget this FACT in our goals to protect and help kids. 

As a specialist child interviewer, I was very aware that the time and process prior to the child's interview was equally, if not more important than the actual inte...

Your Guide to Sleepover Safety behaviours body safety child abuse prevention child safety children consent friends healthy relationships kids parent resources parenting parents peers safe adults safe behaviours sleepovers teens Jul 24, 2024

Before I begin with my sleepover safety advice and tips, I would like to acknowledge that sleepovers were one of my fondest memories growing up.

When I went to a sleepover, I got to see how other families interacted and lived. I got to see  how their mum’s took care of my friends and the difference i...

School Camp Safety a guide for parents camp child protection child safety kids parent resources parents safe adults tweens what to do if Jun 25, 2024

School Camps can be both amazingly exciting and nerve wracking in equal measure.

For some kids, camp will be an amazing opportunity to spread their wings, find new talents and spend hours upon hours with their friends.

For other children, it can be anxiety inducing, scary and lonely mixed in with ...

Should I be sharing photos of my kids online? adults child protection child safety kids online safety parent resources parenting May 26, 2024

Parent Question - Hi there, my wife and I are looking for some guidance in relation to supporting our two young children from potential adverse consequences from sharing their photos online.

We are stuck as to what is appropriate when there is no general rules for whether it's safe to share their ph...

Top 5 Book Resources every parent needs body safety book resources books child abuse prevention child safety consent consent education healthy relationships kids parent resources parenting parents puberty sex ed sexual health Jan 24, 2024

Books are the ultimate life hack when it comes to parenting.

However, there are so many good books out there that it gets a tad overwhelming to know which ones are actually helpful and useful for what purpose. 

Let me make your life a little easier by providing 5 books that will help you in your ...